Chris Kassel

There's a Kassel
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Our 35 Years of Full-Time Real Estate Experience


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Welcome to our blogs and vlogs, where we provide valuable insights and tips to assist home buyers and sellers in their real estate journey. Whether you’re looking to find your dream home or maximize the sale of your current property, our content is designed to guide you through every step of the process with expert advice and practical strategies. Let us help you make informed decisions and achieve your real estate goals with confidence.

The real estate basics-blog

Quick Market Update September 2024

What’s happening with the market? In todays video our preferred lender, John Gilfedder, goes over a quick housing market update and explains how this impacts you! Here’s what John talks...

First time home buyers: Mortgage Pre Qualification

What is mortgage pre qaulification and what can you afford when it comes to a mortgage? If you are starting to look into buying a home you first need to understand what you can afford. In order for...

Updating your home

With the hustle and bustle of life, the everyday expenses, and overall stress all of us feel, home owners may begin you ask themselves, why should I spend the time and energy on updating my home? In...

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